Welcome to the Christian Chat Chalice!
Knowing God!
Loving People!
Living the Faith!
Engaging the World!
Praying the Scripture!
This page is at the moment very limited and primarily focused and build upon the chat system. But there is a lot we are working on, like a forum, a news corner, and to many other things, updates coming a lot. The chat is very well organized, eg. through an implemented administration system which belongs to the IRC technology. And a small service bot that offers and supports the channels.
If this is your first contact to the community, we hope you will enjoy it.
Rules are clear, treat others the same way you want them to treat you (Luke 6:31).
If you are only interested in the chat, there is a old interface on the web (KiwiIRC): https://christianchatchalice.blogspot.com/
Or if you would like to connect to our chat with a little more comfort, we recommend our KVIrc visual step by step tutorial (Sorry links needs a update).
KVIrc Tutorial 1.0 Introduction
KVIrc Tutorial 2.0 Installation
KVIrc Tutorial 3.0 Basic Settings
KVIrc Tutorial 4.0 Identity and Server Settings
KVIrc Tutorial 5.0 Connection and IRC Settings
KVIrc Tutorial 6.0 IRC Settings